Pink Daddies
Our Story.
Daddies Donut’s was created by the 4 J’s. John Miller, Jerome Bailey, Joel Cutler, and Joshua Zitting. The partners and friends had a stand in dinner during 2020 during lockdown. Over these dinners they discussed things like child hood dreams, and the desire to open a business in St Pete. All 4 J’s loved the city of St. Pete and wanted to be a bigger part of the community. Being that all 4 came from the business world and John Miller being a baker, they came up with the idea of Daddies Donuts and Delites.
It went from a simple dinner, to a dream, to a reality. They didn’t want it to just be any donut shop however. They wanted it to be bright, and have an old school feel with a new flair. So of course pink and turquoise was the go to, with a big Pink Neon Sign for Instagram Selfies, and and Pink Fridge to match.
Giving you the Best Donuts in St Pete
With Homemade ice cream, fresh made to order donuts topped with so many goodies, coffee, and of course home made brownies and cookies.